A response from the Scottish Government following a joint letter on Restraint and Seclusion from the the Scottish Human Rights Commission, Children and Young People's Commissioner, the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, The Promise Scotland and Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland.

Corporate documents
29 Jan 2024

A letter to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee on the Commission's report to the Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (GREVIO). This letter was also sent to the Minister for Victims and Community Safety; and the Criminal Justice Committee.

Policy submissions
22 Jan 2024

A PDF version of “It’s Not a Story, It’s What Happened” Victim-Survivors of Gender-Based Violence: In Our Words, a supplementary report to the Istanbul Convention Treaty Monitoring Report, which looks at lived experiences of the gender-based violence in relation to the Istanbul Convention.

18 Jan 2024