Letter to Convener Education Children and Young People Committee on Redress Scotland
A letter to Sue Webber MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee, on Redress Scotland.
Joint letter to Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers on Restraint and Seclusion
Joint letter from the Children and Young People's Commissioner, the Scottish Human Rights Commission, the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland, The Promise Scotland and the Equality and Human Rights Commission Scotland to Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers on Restraint and Seclusion.
Letter to Minister Emma Roddick MSP on Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights
Letter to Minister Emma Roddick MSP on Scotland's National Action Plan for Human Rights
Commission's Annual Accounts 2022-2023
The Commission's Annual Accounts for 2022-23 have been laid before the Scottish Parliament.
Letter to Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs from NPM Scotland Subgroup
Letter to Cabinet Secretary for Justice and Home Affairs from NPM Scotland Subgroup on Separation and Reintegration Units.