Housing Rights in Practice
Housing Rights in Practice
Housing Rights in Practice was a project run by the Commission and others as part of SNAP - Scotland’s National Action Plan for Human Rights. It ran from 2015 to 2019.
The project aimed to empower people to tackle substandard housing and living conditions by using human rights. It was delivered in partnership with Edinburgh Tenants Federation and Participation and the Practice of Rights.
Read a short overview of the project, including how it worked and what it achieved. You can also view a summary presentation about the project.
Watch our concluding film about the project.
Lessons Learned from Leith
Our final report from the Housing Rights in Practice Project captures the steps taken throughout the project, evaluates the impact achieved and shares the lessons learned along the way.
A Human Rights Based Approach
The housing project is an example of applying a human rights based approach. Find out more about how a human rights based approach can be applied to your organisation, work, project or campaign in this short video.
The Right to Housing
"The right to housing should be seen as the right to live somewhere in security, peace and dignity."
United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
Find out more about the Right to Housing and our law and policy work in this area.