Police Scotland decision not to proceed with cyber kiosks
The Commission is pleased that Police Scotland have recognised the need to have clear legal authority to use cyber kiosks and that they will not now proceed with rolling this technology out until that is in place.
Chief Constable Livingstone speaking at Policing Sub-Committee on 31 January 2019.
Judith Robertson, Chair of the Commission, said:
"The Commission has previously given the Scottish Parliament its view that there is a lack of clarity about the precise legal basis for the use of this technology, as well as an absence of sufficient oversight safeguards.
"As mobile phone browsing can be highly intrusive of the right to privacy, home and correspondence it is essential the necessary safeguards are in place to regulate its use.
"We therefore welcome Police Scotland's decision not to proceed with rolling out cyber kiosks at this point in time."
You can read the Commission's full evidence on cyber kiosks to the Justice Sub-Committee on Policing in 2018.