Human Rights Based Approach

Taking a human rights based approach is about making sure that people's rights are put at the very centre of policies and practices.  Our self assessment toolkit can help you adopt a human rights based approach. 

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What We Do

The Scottish Human Rights Commission is an independent public body, accountable to the people of Scotland through the Scottish Parliament.

The Commission has a general duty to promote awareness, understanding and respect for all human rights – economic, social, cultural, civil and political – to everyone, everywhere in Scotland, and to encourage best practice in relation to human rights. 

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What are Spotlight Projects?

Our Spotlight Projects shine a light on key human rights issues in Scotland which are of particular concern to the Commission and take a deeper look at how best to address them.

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What issues are we working on?

Find out about the projects we are currently working on below.

We are also scoping out future Spotlight Projects which will be based on the priority areas identified in our 2024-28 Strategic Plan. This plan was informed by consultations with rights holders, civil society and key stakeholders.

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